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It´s time to start feeling like you again!

“We don't need to strive towards balance, we rather need to work on the obstacles that are preventing the natural flow of balance.” 
– A.A. Alebraheem.”



Understanding your hormonal challenges is the first step to overcoming them. 

We all face unique challenges that are specific to our life, including what we put in our body, how our body processes those items, and our environment. However, there are also common areas of overlap that hinder us all from living and feeling our absolute best. Many of my clients are experiencing a natural process of their body in an unnatural way. You can either fight your body, or you can fuel it. 




Why are you here, scouring the internet to find ways to make this transition less painful? 


  • Are you experiencing new symptoms, like irregular periods and vaginal dryness?

  • Someone who has battled your body and hormones for longer than you expected in this chapter of your life?

  • Perhaps painful intercourse has prevented you from being intimate with your partner for far too long?

  • Or maybe your doctor told you that you need to take steps to help your body as you transition? 


No matter your reason, knowing it is important. 


What is it that you need?


  • Are you the woman who wants to have the energy to play with her children or host social events?

  • Maybe you just want to get the spark back in your relationship, but feel distant because of your uncontrollable emotions? 

  • Perhaps you want nothing more than to feel sexy again instead of rundown and drained. 

  • ​

Identify your reason why and hold it near. It even helps to write it down or store it in your phone. This is how we start working together. We dig deep into your why to work out the HOW! 

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